Cry Cry Cry

Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Acoustic Guitar (nylon]
Electric Guitar (clean]
Alto Sax
Acoustic Bass


Ev-ery-bo-dy knows where you go when the sun goes down I think you on-ly live to see the lights up town I wa-sted my time when I would try, try, try Cause when the lights have lost their glow, you'll cry, cry, cry Soon your su-gar-dad-dies will all be gone You-'ll wake up some cold day and find you're a-lone. You'll call to me but I'm gon-na tell you Bye, bye, bye When I turn a-round and walk a-way, you'll cry, cry, cry, You're gon-na cry, cry, cry and you'll cry a-lone, When e-very-one's for-got-ten and you're left on your own. You're gon-na cry, cry, cry. I lie a-wake at night to wait 'til you come in You stay a lit-tle while and then you're gone a-gain Every question that I ask, I get a lie, lie, lie For ev-ery lie you tell, you-'re gon-na cry, cry, cry When your fick-le lit-tle love gets old, no one will care for you You'll come back to me for a lit-tle love that's true I'll tell you no and you gonna ask me why, why, why? When I re-mind you of all of this, you'll cry, cry, cry You're gon-na cry, cry, cry and you'll want me there, It-'ll hurt when you think of the fool you-'ve been You're gon-na cry, cry, cry